The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) is accepting applications from human rights defenders (HRDs) living in exile to participate in a dynamic capacity-building project called “IDREAM.” To participate, exiled HRDs must have a demonstrated track record of advocacy in human rights.

IDREAM seeks to enable exiled HRDs and their organizations to continue their work advocating for fundamental freedoms despite forced relocation due to threats or attacks they have experienced as a result of conducting their human rights work. To advance this goal, IDREAM will provide a range of technical assistance and other support to the project’s HRD partners. Project partners will receive limited financial assistance to support the goal of the project.

IDREAM invites interested, exiled HRDs to apply online before the deadline at 5:00 pm CST (17:00 CST) on 18 February 2020.

Applicants are highly encouraged to read all background materials including the “Call for Applications” and the “Guidelines and Instructions for Applicants.”

For application: